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start [2014/10/29 16:14]
frey [Presentations]
start [2019/02/25 19:53] (current)
frey created
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-~~NOCACHE~~ +====== Welcome ======
-====== Welcome======+
-On this web site you will find resources pertinent to the development and use of Linux clusters in the University of Delaware ​College of Engineering. This site was developed and is maintained ​by [[administrator|Jeffrey Frey]], the cluster manager for the College. +This site contains documentation associated with clusters ​owned by faculty ​in the College of Engineering ​as well as community clusters managed ​by the University.  ​On 2019/02/25 the old content ​of this site — the majority of which had no pertinence anymore — was expunged ​to make way for new content.  ​This is a work in progress.
- +
-===== Engineering vs. IT Clusters ===== +
- +
-Jeff's position is somewhat unique since he also works for central IT at the University.  ​As of 2011, the University has begun buying and maintaining larger-scale communitry clusters under a "​condo"​ model, and Jeff is a member of the team maintaining those systems. ​ Engineering users who need support/help on those clusters should feel free to involve Jeff -- end-user support on Mills (et al.) falls under the umbrella ​of services he provides for the College of Engineering. +
-===== Account Requests ====== +
- +
-New accounts on clusters owned by Engineering faculty/​staff shall be requested by cluster owners themselves using a [[https://​turin.nss.udel.edu/​udcecc-accounts/​|web form]] built for this purpose. +
- +
-<WRAP center round info 60%> +
-For accounts on IT-maintained clusters, investing entities (faculty/​staff who purchased nodes) must request accounts through ​the IT help desk and its trouble-ticketing system. +
-</​WRAP>​ +
- +
-===== Cluster Documentation ===== +
- +
-Looking for documentation specific to your cluster? ​ Your search is over! +
- +
-<​php>​ +
-include_once('​clusterdb.php'​);​ +
-CDBOpen();​ +
-CDBListClusters();​ +
-</​php>​ +
- +
-As time goes on I'm attempting to transition the clusters I maintain to use [[cluster:​network|a formulaic private networking scheme]]. ​ Into the future, this would allow clusters'​ private networks to be linked with little effort. +
- +
-===== Presentations ===== +
- +
-^ ID ^ Name ^ Type ^ +
-|2007-01|{{200701-revisioncontrol.mov|Revision Control with RCS and Subversion}}|Quicktime Slideshow| +
-|2007-01|{{200701-revisioncontrol.key.zip|Revision Control with RCS and Subversion}}|Keynote Presentation| +
- +
-^ Date ^ Description ^ +
-|2008-08-13 -- 2008-08-15|[[presentations:​2008-08|Parallel Programming]]| +
-|2014-10-16|{{presentations:​millsandfarber.pdf|Mills & Farber}} for the Kirby group| +
-===== Documentation ===== +
- +
-**Administrative Info** +
- +
-  * The majority of our clusters use the Warewulf clustering software suite. ​ [[warewulf:​start|Documentation regarding how to setup (for the admin) and how to use (for the end-user) is available here.]] +
-  * As of June 2007 I'm transitioning from Warewulf to PERCEUS for cluster provisioning. ​ PERCEUS ​is the evolution of Warewulf and is very different in terms of setup of cluster. [[perceus:​start|Documentation of my first encounter with PERCEUS setup is available.]] +
-  * Sun GridEngine (now Open Grid Scheduler) is our queue system of choice on our clusters. ​ [[gridengine:​start|Setup details and end-user documentation is available here.]] +
- +
-**End-User Info** +
- +
-All end-user documentation can be found in [[documentation:​start|this area of the site]].+
  • start.1414599263.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2014/10/29 16:14
  • by frey