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caviness:valet [2019/06/27 16:59]
frey [Adding a package]
caviness:valet [2019/06/27 17:11] (current)
frey [Getting help]
Line 112: Line 112:
 To undo all ''​vpkg_require''​ commands issued in your current shell, use ''​vpkg_rollback all''​. To undo all ''​vpkg_require''​ commands issued in your current shell, use ''​vpkg_rollback all''​.
 +===== Getting help =====
 +VALET includes several Linux manual (man) pages for online help:
 +|valet|7|General discussion of what VALET is, how it's used, etc.  Good starting point.|
 +|vpkg_yaml|5|Outlines the YAML VALET package definition file format (see also the vpkg_json page); this is currently the preferred format|
 +|vpkg_json|5|Outlines the JSON VALET package definition file format (the YAML format is similar)|
 +|vpkg_xml|5|Outlines the XML VALET package definition file format; this was the original format and is now more or less deprecated in favor of YAML/JSON|
 +|vpkg_py|5|Outlines the Python package definition file format; there are two variants, literal and executable (dynamic), with availability of the latter determined by the sysadmin|
 +|vpkg_attr|1|Describes the ''​vpkg_attr''​ command|
 +|vpkg_devrequire|1|Describes the ''​vpkg_devrequire''​ command|
 +|vpkg_history|1|Describes the ''​vpkg_history''​ command|
 +|vpkg_info|1|Describes the ''​vpkg_info''​ command|
 +|vpkg_list|1|Describes the ''​vpkg_list''​ command|
 +|vpkg_require|1|Describes the ''​vpkg_require''​ command|
 +|vpkg_rollback|1|Describes the ''​vpkg_rollback''​ command|
 +|vpkg_versions|1|Describes the ''​vpkg_versions''​ command|
  • caviness/valet.1561654796.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2019/06/27 16:59
  • by frey