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caviness:slurm-manual:start [2019/08/08 15:01]
frey created
caviness:slurm-manual:start [2019/08/08 16:52] (current)
Line 3: Line 3:
 Paramount to anyone'​s successful use of the Caviness cluster is an understanding of job scheduling, specifically how Slurm -- the //Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management//​ -- is used on the cluster. ​ This manual does not attempt to document Slurm in any extensive depth, since that information already exists [[https://​slurm.schedmd.com|on the software'​s official web site]]. ​ Instead, this manual introduces the concepts and terminology important to any dialog regarding job scheduling and presents Caviness-centric examples of the tasks and options that user's are most likely to encounter. Paramount to anyone'​s successful use of the Caviness cluster is an understanding of job scheduling, specifically how Slurm -- the //Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management//​ -- is used on the cluster. ​ This manual does not attempt to document Slurm in any extensive depth, since that information already exists [[https://​slurm.schedmd.com|on the software'​s official web site]]. ​ Instead, this manual introduces the concepts and terminology important to any dialog regarding job scheduling and presents Caviness-centric examples of the tasks and options that user's are most likely to encounter.
-  - Getting work done: what is job scheduling?​ +  - [[caviness:​slurm-manual:​intro|Getting work done: what is job scheduling?]] 
-  - Writing job scripts +  - [[caviness:​slurm-manual:​job-scripts|Writing job scripts]] 
-  - Submitting job scripts +  - [[caviness:​slurm-manual:​submission|Submitting job scripts]] 
-  - Checking job progress +  - [[caviness:​slurm-manual:​monitoring|Checking job progress]] 
-  - Advanced topics +  - [[caviness:​slurm-manual:​advanced-topics:​|Advanced topics]] 
-    Job arrays +  [[caviness:​slurm-manual:​faq:​|Frequently-asked questions]]
-    ​Interactive jobs +
-    ​Cleanup procedures on preemption and timeout +
- +
  • caviness/slurm-manual/start.1565276494.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2019/08/08 15:01
  • by frey