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caviness:login [2019/06/27 14:56]
frey created
caviness:login [2020/11/09 15:14] (current)
frey [Shell customization]
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 ====== Accessing the Cluster ====== ====== Accessing the Cluster ======
-Caviness currently features two //login nodes// through which users interact with the cluster. ​ The host name ''​caviness.hpc.udel.edu''​ will connect ​the user to one of those two nodes((//​Round-robin DNS load balancing// returns multiple IP addresses when the name ''​caviness.hpc.udel.edu''​ is looked-up, in random order.  ​The user'​s ​SSH client will always ​use the first address returned.)).+Caviness currently features two //login nodes// through which users interact with the cluster. ​ The host name ''​caviness.hpc.udel.edu''​ will connect ​you to one of those two nodes((//​Round-robin DNS load balancing// returns multiple IP addresses when the name ''​caviness.hpc.udel.edu''​ is looked-up, in random order.  ​Your SSH client will use the first IP address returned.)).  For example, from a terminal window on a Mac or Linux client: 
 +localhost$ ssh «username»@caviness.hpc.udel.edu 
 +    : 
 +[«username»@login01 ~]$ 
 +The default shell prompt on Caviness displays the name of the login node.  If a user must connect to a specific login node, use that node's full domain name: 
 +localhost$ ssh «username»@login00.caviness.hpc.udel.edu 
 +    : 
 +[«username»@login00 ~]$ 
 +When reporting connection problems, please include the ''​-vvv''​ flag in your ''​ssh''​ command to produce verbose output and include that output in your help ticket. 
 +**Do not run the ''​ssh-keygen''​ command on Caviness.** ​ This command can destroy your account'​s ability to login to compute nodes without requesting a password. ​ If you do this by mistake, you can either: 
 +  * recover an older copy of ''​~/​.ssh''​ from your home directory'​s [[abstract:​zfs-snapshots|ZFS snapshots]] 
 +  * execute ''​mv ~/.ssh ~/​.ssh.bak'',​ logout and log in to Caviness again (the system will generate a new key pair for you) 
 +===== Workgroups ===== 
 +Each entity that invests in the Caviness cluster is given a //​workgroup//​ which encompasses sponsored user accounts, on-cluster storage, and purchased compute resources. ​ The workgroup name (referenced as **«workgroup»** in this documentation) can refer to 
 +  * The Unix group to which all sponsored user accounts are members 
 +  * The [[caviness:​resources#​workgroup_directories|shared storage]] allocated to the workgroup 
 +  * The Slurm: 
 +    * Account to which jobs are submitted 
 +    * Partition which grants priority-access to purchased compute resources 
 +The default workgroup for all users is **everyone**;​ this workgroup has no Slurm partitions available to it and no shared storage space. ​ To change your shell to a specific workgroup, use the ''​workgroup''​ command: 
 +[«username»@login00 ~]$ workgroup -g «workgroup» 
 +[(«workgroup»:​«username»)@login00 ~]$ 
 +The ''​workgroup''​ command is often the first command you will issue after logging-in to the cluster, since it prepares the shell for work within a specific workgroup context((The workgroup'​s VALET package definitions will become available to you, and the ''​$WORKDIR''​ environment variable will point to the shared storage. ​ Also, the Slurm ''​sbatch''/''​srun''/''​salloc''​ commands will default to using the «workgroup» account for job submission.)). 
 +<WRAP center round tip 60%> 
 +Workgroups can create a ''​$WORKDIR/​sw/​bin''​ directory and add executables to it.  If that directory exists, it is automatically prepended to a sponsored user's ''​$PATH''​ when using the ''​workgroup''​ command to enter that workgroup. 
 +Thereafter, the ''​exit''​ command will return you to your original login shell: 
 +[(«workgroup»:​«username»)@login00 ~]$ exit 
 +[«username»@login00 ~]$ 
 +==== Workgroup queries ==== 
 +The ''​workgroup''​ command also allows you to query to which workgroups you belong: 
 +[«username»@login00 ~]$ workgroup --query workgroups 
 + ​1001 ​ workgroup1 
 + ​1010 ​ workgroup10 
 +All available options are summarized using the ''​workgroup --help''​ command. 
 +===== Shell customization ===== 
 +**Alteration of your ''​.bashrc''​ and ''​.bash_profile''​ files is strongly discouraged.** ​ Adding directories to the ''​PATH'',​ ''​LD_LIBRARY_PATH'',​ and ''​PYTHONPATH''​ environment variables is best done using VALET packages and **not** by adding code to your ''​.bashrc''​ file.  Keeping ''​.bashrc''​ and ''​.bash_profile''​ as close to pristine as possible often prevents difficult-to-debug problems from occurring when running jobs on the cluster. 
 +The ''​.bash_udit''​ file in your home directory controls shell customizations offered by UD IT: 
 +|''​IT_WANT_ENV_EXTENSIONS''​|Set to ''​yes''​ to enable the effects of the other variables| 
 +|''​IT_SET_WORKGROUP_ON_LOGIN''​|Set to ''​yes''​ to automatically change to your default workgroup at login| 
 +|''​IT_DEFAULT_WORKGROUP''​|The name of the workgroup to use by default; if unspecified,​ then the first workgroup listed by the ''​workgroup --query workgroups''​ command| 
 +|''​IT_WORKGROUP_CHDIR''​|Change to the workgroup'​s ''​$WORKDIR''​ by default| 
 +For example, if the user edits ''​.bash_udit''​ to set: 
 +then the shell and ''​workgroup''​ command will behave as follows: 
 +localhost$ ssh «username»@caviness.hpc.udel.edu 
 +    : 
 +[«username»@login01 ~]$ workgroup 
 +WARNING: ​ Your working directory has been changed to /​work/​«workgroup» 
 +[(«workgroup»:​«username»)@login01 «workgroup»]$ 
 +All additional adjustments to the shell environment should be handled using [[caviness:​valet|VALET]].
  • caviness/login.1561647418.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2019/06/27 14:56
  • by frey