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abstract:zfs-snapshots [2019/03/15 17:00]
abstract:zfs-snapshots [2019/03/15 17:18] (current)
frey [Accessing a snapshot]
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 Each snapshot of a ZFS file system represents a point-in-time copy, making it an online backup copy of the file system. ​ In many instances, the same snapshots are periodically transmitted to a secondary (often off-site) server where they guarantee recoverability of the file system should the primary server suffer a catastrophic failure. Each snapshot of a ZFS file system represents a point-in-time copy, making it an online backup copy of the file system. ​ In many instances, the same snapshots are periodically transmitted to a secondary (often off-site) server where they guarantee recoverability of the file system should the primary server suffer a catastrophic failure.
-===== Accessing ​snapshots =====+===== Listing ​snapshots =====
 Any user having access to the root mount point of a ZFS file system can see a list of available snapshots. ​ For example, my home directory on the [[caviness:​start|Caviness]] community cluster is backed by a ZFS file system. ​ To display all available snapshots: Any user having access to the root mount point of a ZFS file system can see a list of available snapshots. ​ For example, my home directory on the [[caviness:​start|Caviness]] community cluster is backed by a ZFS file system. ​ To display all available snapshots:
Line 28: Line 28:
 20190314-1815 20190314-1815
 20190315-0615 20190315-0615
 +Each directory displayed is named according to the date and time the snapshot in question was created. ​ Note that the names at the top of the listing have a by-month granularity,​ increasing to a by-week, by-day, and bi-daily granularity moving down the list.  This demonstrates that for my home directory on Caviness:
 +  * snapshots are created twice each day, at 6:15 a.m. and p.m.
 +  * as time goes by, snapshots are removed in such a way that a single weekly and monthly (and eventually, yearly) snapshot remains
 +This pattern only holds so long as my usage remains well below my quota. ​ If I use more and more capacity, the number of snapshots will decrease.
 +===== Accessing a snapshot =====
 +Each snapshot under ''​.zfs/​snapshot''​ is itself a directory, which can be navigated from the filesystem using the standard Linux file system commands (like ''​cd''​ and ''​ls''​). ​ The files and directories present in the snapshot cannot be modified (''​rm''​ and ''​mv''​ will not work, neither will attempts to edit files in place), but they can be read (e.g. with ''​less''​ or ''​head''​)
 +<code bash>
 +[frey@login00 ~]$ ls -l ~/trace.txt
 +ls: cannot access /​home/​1001/​trace.txt:​ No such file or directory
 +[frey@login00 ~]$ ls -l ~/​.zfs/​snapshot/​20190206-0115/​trace.txt
 +-rw-r--r-- 1 frey everyone 336436 Jan 25 09:39 /​home/​1001/​.zfs/​snapshot/​20190206-0115/​trace.txt
 +[frey@login00 ~]$ head -5 ~/​.zfs/​snapshot/​20190206-0115/​trace.txt ​
 +# This file contains a code trace
 +# from a run of my program that is
 +# failing...
 +or copied to some writable location using ''​cp''​
 +<code bash>
 +[frey@login00 ~]$ cp -a ~/​.zfs/​snapshot/​20190206-0115/​trace.txt ~/trace.txt
 +[frey@login00 ~]$ ls -l ~/trace.txt
 +-rw-r--r-- 1 frey everyone 336436 Jan 25 09:39 /​home/​1001/​trace.txt
 +[frey@login00 ~]$ head -5 ~/​trace.txt ​
 +# This file contains a code trace
 +# from a run of my program that is
 +# failing...
 </​code>​ </​code>​
  • abstract/zfs-snapshots.1552669247.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2019/03/15 17:00
  • by frey